Atasan dan Bawahan

November 5, 2012 by Mohd Faizal Musa

Siapakah orang ini?
bukankah sejak di tadika lagi
kita sudah diasuh, hanya Tuhan ada di atas;
justeru tiada yang menindih kita -
bukankah khutbah di masjid sudah memeri
hanya Tuhan Maha Besar
jsuteru semua insan kerdil belaka -
bukankah Rasul sudah berpesantiada umatku yang lagi jadi hambakerana pesan iman dan syahadah sudah memerdekakan -
bukankah demikian sekian pelajaran?
Inilah bahagian dari sejarah
Ibrahim melawan Namrud, payah
Musa melawan Firaun, susah
Muhammad melawan raja Mekah, lelah
Ali melawan Muawiyah, parah
Husin melawan Yazid, darah.
Who is this man? 
were we not told since kindergarten
we were nurtured to believe, that no one is above God;
thus no one is above us - 
have the sermons not stressed
that only God is Great
thus we are minute -
did our Prophet not remind us
that no follower of his will be a slave
for the promise of iman and shadah will liberate us -
was all this not the lesson? 
This is history
Ibrahim fought Nimrod, trouble
Moses fought the Pharoah, struggle
Muhammad  fought the elites of Mecca, hardship
Ali fought Muawiyah, tragedy
Husin faced Yazid, blood.

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