Public Lecture on “The Debts and Burdens of Critical Islam”

December 31, 2017

Date: Monday, 8th January 2018
2.30PM – 5.30PM
Nottingham University Malaysia, Jalan Raja Chulan, KL

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Lecture by:
Prof Ebrahim Moosa 

Dr Narimah Awin, G25

Organized by:
Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF), G25, & Nottingham University Malaysia

“Nor can the concepts of theological systems draped in the terminology of practically dead metaphysics be of any help to those who happen to possess a different intellectual background. The task before the modern Muslim is therefore immense. He has to re-think the whole system of Islam without completely breaking with the past.”
- Muhammad Iqbal, The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam

In facing the contemporary challenges of reform in Islam and within Muslim societies, the task of the current generation of Muslim scholars is rather immense, as what is required is holistic approach of reform, or in the words of Muhammad Iqbal, A Reconstruction. In order for this effort to be achieved, a critical perspective is needed, not only to our rich past Islamic scholarship heritage, but also to what is offered by the modern sciences and knowledge.

In this lecture on the “Debt and Burden of Critical Islam”, Prof. Ebrahim Moosa will explore the various dimensions and complexities of Islamic reforms that are needed with the Muslim Ummah, and the problems that need to be resolved by the current generation of Muslim scholars, in order to guide the development and progress of Muslim societies in the modern global world of today, while at the same time not being separated from our history, tradition and rich heritage of Islamic scholarships of the past.   


2.30-3.00:   Registration
3.00-3.10:   Opening speech by Dr Julia Sveshnikova, IRF
3.10-3.20:   Welcoming speech by Prof Zaharom Nain, Nottingham University
3.20-3.30:   Speech by moderator, Dr Narimah Awin, G25
3.30-4.30:   Lecture by Prof Ebrahim Moosa
4.30-5.30:   Discussion
5.30         :   Tea

Speaker's Biography
Prof. Ebrahim Moosa is a Professor of History and Islamic Studies at the University of Notre Dame. Ebrahim Moosa’s interpretative and historical research on questions related to Islamic tradition, ethics and law include two monographs as well as several edited and co-edited books. His prize-winning book Ghazali and the Poetics of Imagination (University of North Carolina Press, 2005) was awarded the Best First Book in the History of Religions by the American Academy of Religion.  And, is the author What is a Madrasa? (University of North Carolina Press, 2015. His publications include several co-edited books, among them The African Renaissance and the Afro-Arab Spring (Georgetown University Press 2015); Islam in the Modern World (Routledge 2014) and, Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges, (Amsterdam University Press, Spring, 2010). He is also the editor of the last manuscript of the late Professor Fazlur Rahman, Revival and Reform in Islam: A Study of Islamic Fundamentalism (Oxford: Oneworld, 2000). Moosa has published influential essays on Islamic law, theology as well as contemporary Muslim ethics, bioethics, biotechnology and political thought.  Moosa is also regarded as a prominent public intellectual. In 2007 he was invited to deliver the 2007 King Hasan Lecture (Durus Hasaniyya) to his Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco in Arabic.


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